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Businesses have witnessed great successes and epic failures centered around the design of new space or building and the experience their workforce has during the transition period. Great successes are realized because the leadership understands the influence they have and how to use it; they communicate what to expect and why; or they have a team to address the concerns of individuals, establish expectations, and have resources in place for ongoing support. Epic failures can occur when leadership does not invest time in how they can best lead their workforce through change; they may not communicate the reason for change; or the organization has put the responsibility of the transition and coordination on one or two internal people that unfortunately do not have the time or expertise to be successful.

While working with Neumann Monson and Pigott, Taylor REP dove into the design elements of the space; materials used, technology, process changes, culture drivers, culture challenges, production and client requirements, and the list goes on. In doing so, we structured a team and a plan with the goal to meet the needs to maintain operations and meet the emotional needs of the employees by connecting every employee at Kreg Tool with the space long before they moved in.

It is important for your workforce to understand why a space was designed; whether for the benefit of their productivity, the businesses future, or the culture and work lifestyle; communicating why and how that's communicated is key. By developing a

robust communication strategy for your workforce, the workforce is provided the opportunity to understand, ask questions, and build excitement and momentum long before moving in. These practices allow the employees to become familiar with the new space before their first day of work, minimizing disruptions and confusion. This supports their productivity by providing trainings on new processes or technology, building confidence and knowhow. It offers guidance as they discover a new community, something as simple as where to get lunch, buy gas, or nearby childcare options, will provide comfort and efficiency. Ultimately you have created an army of advocates to tell the story and share their connection with the new environment as we work to successfully transition together.

The article included in this blog post, written and published by Neumann Monson Architects, you will learn more about the importance of having a change management resource to communicate how and why, ease stress, and minimize risk and disruption. By having a resource to lead a collaborative planning and coordination program among the design team, the constructor, and internal leadership, your organization minimizes that disruption and optimizes the employee and client experience, the risks of attrition in the first year are reduced or nominal.

Check out this quick read by Neumann Monson!

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I have found over the years of servicing clients that sometimes-overlooked elements of an interiors project are elements of a space that have the potential to have the greatest impact. A recent example of this is developing an intentional design for the required and environmental signage. When I began my work with Kreg Tool we developed their path to complete the FF&E. When going through this initial step it was clear that signage, brand, and environmental art had not been addressed or considered as an impact opportunity for the new facility. This is an element that is not just about providing direction but will also represent your brand and can have an impact on how people feel or perceive a space. Why not be intentional by integrating signage with architectural design elements of the space and realize how it impacts the space and the people using the space? If you are required to invest in something, let's do it right!

Taylor REP brought ASI in to not only address the signage requirements of the project but to provide a high level of design when it came to signage, brand, and environment. ASI was encouraged to find ways to align with the growth mindset of Kreg Tool through the design and creation of meaningful brand and environmental signage. Taylor REP supported Kreg Tool through the process and provided ASI with valuable information specific to Kreg Tool company culture and work environment goals. ASI then took a deep dive into the intent of the new building's design, the future of the business, the work types of the Kreg Tool workforce, and understand how leadership wanted their team to feel while working in the new space.

Check out ASI's case study here

Today Kreg Tool employees and guests experience a space with direction, culture messaging, consistent brand, and global inspiration.

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Many situations in life can be exemplified by some facet of college sports. Take, for example, “The Audible”. The definition of an audible is an offensive play called by the quarterback at the line of scrimmage.

When we first think of the term, some may consider an audible an unplanned reaction, or even to go so far as to say a knee-jerk reaction. Quite the opposite is true. There are times in business and life when the course we set out on presents circumstances that are beyond our control, and our path appears blocked or no longer manageable. This is when the audible comes into play. We have the awareness to identify a problem and through experience, we implement a solution.

An audible is a planned move that illustrates our ability to remain tactically agile with the big picture strategies and goals in mind. It is anything but reactionary! It takes training, planning, and strategic thinking. It is our ability to fight for the big picture, with clarity of how each player has a critical role as part of strategy execution. In other words, at the moment we identify that a shift is necessary and we act!.

2020 seems to be one huge audible! In my work, 2020 began with a positive outlook, onboarding new clients, and strategically looking to continue to move the needle. Then COVID19 slammed into the world, impacting all of us, either personally, professionally, or both. Personally, I was laid off, and oh, boy did it sting! And in all my imperfection, I had some pretty negative thoughts about it all. Still, though emotionally wounded by the lay-off, I did not panic. Instead, I paused and chose to focus inward to evaluate what I could have done better while remaining positive for the future. During this time, I continued to study the market, and educate myself by taking several University courses. My intention was to dust off some old skills while simultaneously learning something new. It was a lot of fun! In reflection, it was the best thing I could have done. Six courses later, with amazing support and through many sleepless nights, I was able to “see the field,” although the path was not totally clear.

So, what the hell! I called an audible and made the shift. I wanted to get this game back on track, re-energize my hype squad (me), and persevere. It was time to unleash my instincts and make the play. Several years ago, I set an arbitrary age I thought was the “perfect time” to start my own business. At this age, I would have the necessary experience to deliver value to the market with confidence and success. Oh, and of course I thought I’d be financially winning; my child would be old enough to make his own dinner; and I’d have a partner that would be by my side cheering me on. I may not have those exact pieces of the team in place. However, I have an amazing five-year-old son who is on this journey with me. I have family and friends who I trust and love, and professional peers that are my biggest supporters, whether cheering me along or helping me game-plan. These are the teammates in whom I have faith -- the ones who give me the confidence to call the audible.

We all have found ourselves facing the unexpected. Some of us are facing fear, pain, loss, and more. However, without question, these times will offer opportunity. We all have the ability to identify the moments in which we can and should call the audible; when the circumstances require us to change the play we brought to the line of scrimmage. Sometimes it’s at work. Sometimes it’s at home. And whether the unexpected factor is driven by the economy, illness, family, or some other factor, it is our experience, perseverance, and mindset that allows us to boldly continue forward. In these moments we take back our vision, we own our new path, and achieve our goals. Game ON!

  • Jaclyn Taylor

Taylor REP

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